A Unique Opportunity!

Permaculture Design Course at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
Aug 29-Sep 6, 2015

Sharon with Aurelia mulching the rooftop garden. Photo by Dennis.
Sharon with Aurelia mulching the rooftop garden. Photo by Dennis.

What do you get when you mix an ecovillage and a permaculture design course (PDC)?  An unparalleled adventure in sustainable, solutions-oriented living!

What is permaculture? In its essence, permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human habitat. On a physical level, the PDC explores ways to work with natural patterns to develop interconnected food, water, energy, and shelter systems. The course takes the very same design framework and applies it to social, economic, and all other aspects of human culture. It’s broad in scope and upliftingly powerful.

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is, in its essence, a living experiment in sustainable human habitat.  For the past 17 years, we have developed homes and gardens, rainwater catchment systems, and solar and wind-based energy, all in the context of a prairie environment. We’ve also created a unique social culture, our own governance system, and an ever-evolving economic system based on our own local currency. We’ve experimented, made some mistakes, learned from them, and have lots to share about what we’ve learned.

The Permaculture Design Course at Dancing Rabbit blends theory and inspiration with practical, hands-on, how-to activities. Teachers Bill and Becky Wilson of Midwest Permaculture guide participants to explore the comprehensive, yet simple and practical, solutions-oriented framework that permaculture provides. And Rabbit villagers add to the richness by sharing experiences with creating cooperative culture in intentional community.

At the end of the nine days, participants will have tools and experiences that can apply to any human habitat, whether it’s the prairies of Missouri or a studio apartment in downtown Chicago. Participants also earn a full Permaculture Design Certificate, joining an ever-growing movement of “permies” throughout the world.

There are still a few spaces available in this one-of-a-kind permaculture course held at Dancing Rabbit from August 29 – September 6. Click here to find out more and to register for the course now!

It’s a unique opportunity, and sure to be a life-changing experience!

Sharon has lived at Dancing Rabbit for the past six years. She has studied and practiced permaculture for close to twenty years, receiving an advanced design certificate and, most recently, a teaching certificate. She is the author of a permaculture curriculum for children, and will apprentice teach with Bill and Becky Wilson at Dancing Rabbit’s permaculture design course in August.
