An Amazing Gift: A Dancing Rabbit Update

Good day, Rabbit friends!

Katherine here, feverishly writing to you with my cup-o-coffee (thank you, local Zimmerman’s grocery store) and adrenaline-filled fingers. I don’t actually know if I “needed” the coffee this morning as I start yet another busy day here in the village and feel like I could get by on my own energetic anticipation.

I had been travelling for the past few weeks and have now dropped back into the thick of it with pure style. The meetings, the garden, the paid work; all still here for me to pick back up!

My trip out west was wonderful, as a handful of Rabbits trained out to New Mexico for our friends’ commitment ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful as we spent a few days in the mountains of Hummingbird Community, a 500-acre ranch, home to 25 communitarians dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and planetary transformation.

Singing, playing, hiking, and love abounded as 70 or so friends of Danielle and Hassan came together to celebrate their union. It was neat to hear their story from so many perspectives that spanned years and even decades. Community was formed in a short amount of time and relationships prospered as we talked about our visions for this world and future generations that will inhabit the land in whatever condition we choose to leave it.

Since departing that leg of my journey I have been editing the literally thousands of photographs that I took that weekend of the celebration. I whittled it down to only a few hundred and worked my cropping/coloring/styling magic on the captured memories. I have been snapping shots for years and it was good to step back into the role of “wedding photographer” for two very beautiful people that have so much love in them.

It was also my time of the month to be silent for a few days as part of my personal growth practice and that always makes for a fun journey. Fortunately I have got the art of wildly gesturing down and when I want 70 folks to look at the birdie and say cheese, it’s a breeze. For those who missed it: at the end of every month this year, I am taking “silent” days to listen and meditate on my surroundings. The number of the month is how many days I do not speak, so in January I took one day, in August I took eight. I have really been loving this practice and found that I really have quieted my mouth in order for my brain and heart to be more present. I put quotes around the word silent because I do use sounds and gestures to communicate. It feels very important to me that others not have to work harder because I am making this choice to not use my words. Mae says that I cheat when I hang out with seven-month-old Arthur because my cooing at him is “baby-talk”. I would say that it’s up for debate yet she usually catches me at a time when I am only disagreeing with her via vigorous head shaking.

Thursday found me back from my travels and I literally walked straight from the car into the Milkweed Mercantile to begin preparation for Pizza Night. We had a great day as 40 women from the Greater Missouri Leadership Challenge came from all over the state to tour Dancing Rabbit. The GMLC is a group that educates and inspires women leaders to make a difference in their communities, “combining continuing education in leadership development, information and major discussion of state policy issues, and exposure to the philosophies and thoughts of the state’s business, cultural, educational and political leaders.”

So that was Thursday, and Friday was even more celebration! Tereza hosted a Fabulous 50th Birthday Bash, and there was much dancing to be had that night. Tri-community folks got all fancied up and boogied down to DJ Brownlow’s mix tapes while homemade fruit drinks and snack plates were consumed. We also pulled out all the stops to get a double rainbow to appear over community dinner that evening for the delight of all.

The Permaculture Design Course is in full swing as roughly 20 folks from across the nation showed up on Saturday to learn and share their knowledge of growing with the land. Bill Wilson from Midwest Permaculture has come to our village once again to lead the intensive 9-day program, which combines common sense with stacking functions.

Nik, Alline, and I have been cooking our hearts out for the group, serving delectable foods such as local vegetable stir-fry and “Taco Tuesday Night” (on a Sunday). My basket has been full from the garden with collards, chives, tomatoes, and other goodies to share with new friends. I really love to cook and I especially feel proud to serve the literal fruits of my labor.

As the weather cools and the pumpkins abound, I know that it is getting near time to slow down for the year… Note that I wrote “near time”. Land Day is approaching on October 1st, and that is our day of celebration for acquiring this plot of prairie that we call home. Hassan and I are meeting to plan the festivities for our 19th anniversary party, which I know will be joyous and reflective of our past year together in community. We have had birth, death, union, and dissolution that naturally occurs when 50 people decide to share their lives so closely with one another.

It is an amazing gift to share my life with these folks and, in turn, our stories with you. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our journey, and may you have a lovely Autumnal Equinox that inspires shift and balance in and around you.

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is an intentional community and nonprofit outside Rutledge, in northeast Missouri, focused on demonstrating sustainable living possibilities. Find out more about us by visiting our website, reading our blog, or emailing us.
