Want to keep hope alive?

Dear friends,

The climate we all depend on continues to change at an unprecedented rate. Given the recent election results, it’s clear we can’t count on our elected officials to create the change our planet needs.

No matter how we all might feel right now, it seems wise to remember that together we can make a difference, and keep hope alive for a more sustainable future.

Will you help us move toward that future? 

Members of EarthDance Junior Farm Crew meet Critter goats and learn about sustainable agriculture. Photos by Rae Machado
Members of EarthDance Junior Farm Crew meet Critter goats and learn about sustainable agriculture. Photos by Rae Machado

With your support we can continue to reach new audiences, like the young people from Ferguson and Florissant, MO who attended our first Ecovillage Immersion Study Program, a three-day experiential education program for under served urban youth. For many of them, this visit was their first real taste of sustainable living.

We eased them out of their comfort zone, leading them to question parts of their lifestyle previously taken for granted, suddenly curious at how they could connect to more sustainable transportation, food, and energy.

As one participant said:

“The skills and knowledge I’ve gained in these (short) three days are priceless! … I’m eternally grateful!”

This program is just one example of how your support creates positive change in the world. In this time of dire possibility, when the future is uncertain and our collective fate rests in our hands and the hands of our youth, will you help us keep hope alive?

In collaboration for a brighter future,

Danielle Williams
Executive Director
The Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture
at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

P.S. The planet needs us all, now more than ever, and at Dancing Rabbit, we need you! Please donate today and strengthen our mission to create a better world! All donations to the Center for Sustainable and Cooperative Culture are tax-deductible.

Donate for Hope
